Product: Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) Lyophilised pH ~7

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Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) Lyophilised pH ~7

Lyophilized bovine serum albumin (BSA) is a versatile protein with a wide range of applications in various fields such as biochemistry, biotechnology, and molecular biology. This protein is produced using a two-step process that involves ethanol fractionation followed by an acid caprylic stabilized thermal shock finishing step that further purifies bovine serum albumin by removing residual globulin proteins.

BSA is a soluble hydrophilic protein that binds to a variety of molecules, such as fatty acids, vitamins, hormones, and salts, due to its negative charge. It plays a crucial role in transporting these molecules between tissues and cells, making it a valuable component in various analyses and experiments.

Lyophilized BSA is a convenient form of protein that is easy to handle and store. It has a long shelf life and can be reconstituted in a buffer of choice for use in various applications such as enzymatic assays, ELISA tests, and Western blotting.

We offer a variety of packaging options to meet your needs. Additionally, we can create custom media formulations to meet your specific requirements. Contact us for more information and pricing.

Product Specifications:

  • Product code: P6154
  • Shipping conditions: Room Temperature
  • State: Powder
  • Shelf life: 36 months
  • Storage: +2/+8°C.
  • Sterility: Non-sterile

Pricing and More Information

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