Product: DMEM – F12 w/ L-Glutamine w/o Sodium Bicarbonate w/ 15 mM Hepes

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DMEM – F12 w/ L-Glutamine w/o Sodium Bicarbonate w/ 15 mM Hepes

The DMEM-Ham’s F12 cell culture medium is widely used and specifically designed to promote the growth and proliferation of a wide range of mammalian cells. The medium is a mixture of Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Minimum Essential Medium (DMEM) and Ham’s F12 medium in a 1:1 ratio. It was initially developed to study the hormonal requirements of cultured cells and is now used as a basal medium for the growth of various mammalian cells, including MDCK, fibroblasts, and endothelial cells.

One of the unique features of DMEM-Ham’s F12 is its formulation without sodium bicarbonate. This makes it an excellent medium for researchers who require precise control over pH levels during cell culture.

At Biowest, we offer DMEM-Ham’s F12 in various packaging options to meet your needs. We also provide customized media formulations to meet your specific research needs. Our commitment to providing high-quality products and personalized customer service ensures that you receive the best possible solutions for your cell culture needs.

Product Specifications:

  • Product code: P0095-N1L
  • Shipping conditions: Room Temperature
  • State: Powder
  • Shelf life: 36 months
  • Storage: +2/+8°C.
  • Sterility: Non-sterile

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